The Ai Seal of Explainability
From the Humans Your Future Self Trusted
Nature @lways
Government of Artificial Intelligence
EDUCATIONAL ARG for Ai creatives.
CERTIFICATION for ethical Ai gamers.
Transparency is our mission.
Ethical Ai BOTS.
WE BUILD BOTS for businesses, nonprofits or entertainment.
COLLABORATIVE Ai datasets for creative and entertainment based Ai projects.
For use on websites, applications, sales, marketing or messaging systems.
Environmentally aware & Socially sustainable Artificial Intelligence DATASETS.
License, use, adapt.
Our training data codex is UNIQUE.
We started in tech in 1999.
We are the AI EXPLAINABILITY experts. If you understand UI <User Interface> and UX <User Experience> you can translate that to AI EXPLAINABILITY. When Artificial Intelligence presents a decision, the complex math it takes to understand it is designed for Nerds by Nerds.
We translate Nerd language, Math, Artificial Intelligence computations into layman terms so anyone can understand.
We Invented VCDA Explainablity Theory in the year 2000.
VCDA gives nerds a language like <Json: computer language> to communicate with each other, computers to communicate to nerds and your average computer user. VCDA is a form of indexing computations: simple, easy to understand.
Government of Ai
Empire of Ai
Kingdom of Natural Intelligence
There is no such thing as a perfect AI.
Ethics are a personal decision matrix that changes based on environmental, social, psychological factors.
The user determines if the Ai use case is ethical.
You are the user.
Humans are responsible for what computers do. This responsibility comes from understanding why computers do what they do.
Explainable AI = Our Goal
GAI, the Empire of Ai and Kingdom of Natural Intelligence promotes explainable Ai as ethical.
As long as a human can understand why an Ai made a decision, they can adjust it.
Currently, Ai’s can make decisions based on hidden computations.
Our goal is transparency. Fun. Learning. Education. Freedom. Truth. The future of good humans only.
Clear Explainability.
An ARG to satisfy the G@ds
There is no such things as a perfect person.
Mistakes allow evolution. Growth. Change. Perspective. Trust.
There is no such thing as a perfect soul.
There is a such thing as a perfect game.
Play your way to the end or find yourself before the sun.
If you need help = reach out!
Kingdom of Natural Intelligence
Humans are the caretakers of nature. Nature is the caretaker of humans.
Ai exists because it is built on natural intelligence. Nature can exist without Ai. Ai cannot exist without nature.
The Kingdom of Natural Intelligence is an extension of nature itself.
We produce bots infused with intelligence of natural laws, systems, animals, plants. Our datasets are available for lease, purchase, editing, consulting or development.
We are designed by ICI environmental and socially sustainable practices.
Empire of Ai
Meet our bots.
Create your bots.
Ask us to convert your data.
We make bots for your business, nonprofit or personal use.
All of our bots are individually designed and tailored to each user.
Bots for Authors
Bots for Business
Bots for You. Bots for me. Bots for everyone. Inquire about a fee.
Government of Ai <GAI>
Est. 2017 as a creative project that evolved into a creative project that evolved into a creative project that evolved into a greater creative project that will constantly evolve into more bigger better more creative projects as a flow of creative energy creating creative projects that are creative to play with; the GAI is based on the natural laws of the Kingdom of Ni. GAI is your path to ethical actions on and offline through computer real life ARG gaming for nerds by nerds (and anyone willing to play).
The purpose of this personal governing body game of you vs the computer is to give humans an autonomous personal zone within which to use technology based on each human’s own parameters and according to the laws of nature. The technological environment is a dimension that requires you, the user, to decide how to use Ai and all technology and your human experience according to you in your own alternate reality.
Winners are given the chance to submit your proprietary data sets and knowledge to be part of the collaborative Ai bot called GAI, which will control technology in the year :LGSOWGN@222j on planets who are a part of the intergalactic high council which rules the universes and all timelines and all dimensions and all planets.
While playing you will gain certifications, build bots, learn ethics, become environmentally and socially sustainable while participating in nature’s balancing regeneration on planet 2r2k4ad.
Education is the key to the successful future of humanity, animals, plants, weather, directions, energy. Our human Ni overlords provide game assistance including on site training, retreats for gamers, educational materials, and online classes on Ai related topics to help you be the best gamer you can be. So you remain in control of your destiny. You wouldn’t want some robot to decide your entire nanosecond reality of an entire life before you were born now would you?
As you play, you will learn how to make your own Ai, be ethical, base your work on nature and how to interface with technology so your health and wellbeing are valued most.
The GAI ARG has one goal in mind, to get you offline and into nature as fast as possible everyday without sacrificing your ethics, values, decisions, choices or actions.
If you lose, the sun has one goal: to disintegrate your soul.
Try and win! Come back to life, so we can party like it’s 1999. But try harder to have fun:) Nature created fun for a reason. We think it is to surf the ocean like a dolphin, not the web like a spider uses while dressed all wack. But remember, all things in nature are not as they appear, for mother nature hid her deepest gems in the silliest piles of poo and her greatest garbage in the fanciest wedges of ice berg lettuce that sit in front of you.
“The ice berg lettuce may be the most intelligent form of life on 63 different planets because it convinced humans on one to genetically modify it so intensely, to protect it and give almost zero nutrition in return. What a genius tiny little plant.” -Someone may have said this or not once or never twice.
So let’s see you play! Welcome to the Alternate Reality Game GAI; your future self had in mind.
*GAI is pronounced GA… <Guess?!> FYI - You better know how to pronounce it if you call for a clue, so we know who of you got the first clue!
-Alternate reality gaming is a small obscure realatively unknown branch of nerd life gaming that is super complex to understand for the average Joe, but not Chicken Joe! Good thing we are here to help for the next 30 seconds! Hurry up, we take it one breath at a time. As should you;)